Community Youth Ventures C.I.C. was formed to work with young people at the heart of the community. Our key aim is to respond to the needs of young people through direct youth engagement, community development and strategic oversight.
Community Youth Ventures offers innovative and relevant youth provision and direct engagement opportunities for young people. We also enlist our collaborative experience to influence, enhance and enrich youth work practice on a strategic level encompassing a variety of approaches, methods and networks within the heart of the community.
Community Youth Ventures will develop partnerships with relevant service providers setting up specialist programs and projects in response to local need and national initiatives.​

Street Based and Outreach Youth Work
Mentoring and Coaching
Youth Clubs &
engagement sessions
CYV works with young people in their own space; streets, parks and other outside spaces. We can deliver outreach programs in partnership with youth providers, funders and services.
Our Youth Outreach Unit is a great base, location for mentoring or for cooking, media and other positive activities.
Our programmes involve attainment, character building, resilience and aspiration – all personalised to the young person through one to one support, providing bespoke issue based intervention.
CYV youth club and engagement provision is where young people can meet and participate in a variety of positive activities. Activities can be used to provide fun and enjoyment, to engage young people and enable them to learn new skills both personal and social.
We also offer support work for existing clubs.
Creative Arts
food, environment and growing
cook cohesion & community cook
CYV Creative Arts offer learning opportunities that engage young people’s imagination and develop expression and communication through activities that involve art, dance, film, drama and music.
CYV host Aylesbury Youth Allotment where we run sessions on growing, cooking and the environment around us. We also use outdoor education, nature based activities and games to bring learning into the outdoors.
We also have designs to run outdoor curriculum session at the Green Park Centre in Aston Clinton in 2021
Cook Cohesion and Community Cook sessions bring young people and communities together to celebrate diversity and cohesion through cooking workshops. Sessions include community volunteers sharing traditions, methods and skills.
we also offer bespoke services in THE areas of restorative justice, weapons awareness, positive behaviours & partnerships

CYV runs Skill4Life which brings together young people and adults from the community to teach them traditional life skills including baking, repairing bike punctures, changing a fuse, ironing or using a lawn mower.
Strategic support
Community Development
Volunteering & work experience
CYV has a wealth of experience and knowledge within our board of Directors, allowing us to offer oversight services and support to new youth provision and initiatives. CYV will offer support services, partnership management and research based intervention
Working with community and cultural organisations and charities, CYV can liaise, advocate and represent on a community level; embedding the voice and needs of young people within community forums, meetings and partnerships.
CYV will offer both work experience and volunteering opportunities within sessions and provision. With a particular interest in young leader schemes and peer mentors within the community
In February 2020, we started an online network called YWiB to bridge the gap between those working with young people in Buckinghamshire. We are looking to pursue this opportunity in 2021 to increase this venture wider.

our Funders


Thank you to ALWAYS who has donated period products
to Community Youth Ventures, to share with young women attending our projects and sessions.